Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Make My Own Decisions

Post NFL-Owners meeting, issues were addressed regarding the leagues rules and policies; some of which were trivial, while others were created to enforce player safety. I cannot say that I really care about some of the rules to be included in the 2008-2009 season, however, while I was reading the update on I was reminded that as humans we too attempt to meet with God to discuss our lives and the rules set out. Some of which we think are fair and just, while others we struggle to compute relevance within our own realm of influence. Many people assume that there is a certain level of moral uprightness that we must consistently aspire to live by, while others stick their moral finger in the wind and follow the guidance of their good feelings. The moral compass guided by the character and righteousness of the Almighty is the standard by which we should live or find our eternal security. Abraham's faith was accounted to him righteousness, and that righteous came from only one source: Yahweh. The same righteousness is available to us through an unblemished sacrifice that was made many years ago. This sacrifice is what merits you favor in the eyes of a moral, just, and loving Creator, who without such has every right and is obligated in the truth of His character to uphold a righteous standard.Instead of deliberating your "inalienable rights", submit to the Giver of such rights, whose blood paid the penalty of death we all owe. Find within yourself the faith to believe in the One who able to save you from sin and death. Trust in Him who is unshakable!

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